Monday, 30 April 2012

How to Keep Your Faceook Friendships Private

Yes, I understand that you want the whole world to know that you are popular and have lots of friends! However, not all users want everybody knowing who their friends are and there are clear justifications for blocking others from seeing your Facebook friends. I’ve had a number of individuals visit my profile and then selectively pick off friends that are relevant to them for marketing purposes, or other reasons.

Voyeurism is a key component of Facebook and one of the most frequent activities of users is to browse through other users’ friends. Whatever the reason is, just know that users are doing it. While your friendships can show up in search engines, we’ve already highlighted how to make your profile invisible to search engines in number 3 above. If you want to take things one step further and prevent others from viewing your friends, you can follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to your profile page

Step 2. Click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of your “Friends” box

Step 3. Uncheck the box which says “Show my friends on my profile

Now you’ve successfully hidden others from viewing your friends. Keep in mind that your friends list is accessible to any Facebook applications you use. It was also previously possible to view a user’s friends if you had access to their username however Facebook has fixed this privacy vulnerability in the past week.


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